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I was the inaugural Director, Lived Experience, at the National Mental Health Commission, - the first senior Lived Experience position in the Australian Public Service. The lived experience expertise and leadership skills I brought to this role were honed over more than three decades contributing to community-driven social and systems change movements, including HIV activism, mental health consumer rights, and suicide prevention reform. A key focus of my work has been the implementation of large-scale, community-led approaches to change - including a place-based, “collective impact” approach to suicide prevention - and alternatives to clinical risk management responses to despair - including peer-led safe spaces for people experiencing suicidal distress. I am now an Associate with Insight Exchange, an initiative which aims to improve responses to domestic, family, and sexualised violence by centring victim-survivor expertise.

I have facilitated numerous regional, state and national consultation and co-design processes that brought together traditional experts and people with lived experience to improve responses to a range of entrenched social issues. This includes suicide, homelessness, domestic violence, and institutional abuse. Key projects include the co-design of the NSW Ministry of Health's Alternatives to Emergency Departments: Safe Haven services across all state Local Health Districts. While at the National Mental Health Commission I led projects to co-design national peak bodies for mental health consumers and carers and a national peer workforce assocation. I now run Troubled Dog, a small consultancy specialising in community engagement and co-design facilitation, with a focus on health and social policy and program improvement initiatives.



My capabilities are grounded in a diverse mix of academic training, professional and lived experience expertise, community volunteering and practice wisdom. 


I work on Wiradjuri Lands, acknowledging and extending respect to First Nations elders past and present. 

© 2024 Troubled Dog

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