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Sharing knowledge and resources
We are in the process of building a resource bank which will contain links to some of the key literature, organisations and practitioners in the fields of community engagement and participatory practice. We will also freely share resources we develop as they become available.
The broader aim of offering this curated resource list is to increase people's knowledge and skills in how to effectively participate in initiatives aimed at addressing issues that most affect them and their communities.

Participatory PracticeACI's Working with Consumers resources A suite of resources developed by the Agency for Clinical Innovation to build capability within the NSW health system for partnership with consumers and families in system improvement activity. Beyond Sticky Notes Founded by co-design practitioner and educator KA McKercher. It provides support to plan and do co-design through training, supervision, facilitation and strategic advice. The website also contains a wide range of practice resources available for purchase. Emma Blomkamp Emma is an influential co-design theorist and practitioner in the field of social and systems innovation. Her website has links to her publications and co-design practice tools. She also offers a spectrum of capability building services, including training and coaching. NCOSS Principles of Co-design Developed specifically for NSW Government agencies and the community sector using co-design processes in their work. PWdWA Co-design Guide Co-design for organisations working with people with disability developed by People with Disabilities Western Australia. UK Social Care Institute for Excellence's Co-production Resources Co-production resources for UK health and social care managers commissioners, frontline practitioners, people who use services and carers.
Social Impact & Systems InnovationBeacon Strategies Public health consultancy that supports the planning, design and evaluation of health and social purpose projects and services. Centre for Social Impact Centre's purpose is to enable others to achieve social impact through research and education and capability building support for people, communities and organisations. Collaboration for Impact Provides expertise in conditions and capability building for community-led systems change initiatives. Griffith Centre for Systems Innovation Centre's focus is to grow the capabilities, mindsets and infrastructures for better futures. Stanford Social Innovation Review Magazine and website that covers cross-sector solutions to global problems. The Australian Centre for Social Innovation National centre that partners with communities and organisations in community-centred social and systems innovation work. The Peregrine Centre Social impact studio that specialises in combining user insight, clinical science and data-driven evaluation to improve and innovate social programs and services, with a focus on the mental health sector.
Public ParticipationAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice The Human Rights Commission's dedicated program of work relating to Indigenous rights, including the right to self-determination and participation in decision-making. APS Framework for Engagement and Participation The Australian Public Service's guidance on best practice public engagement and participation for public servants and government agencies. Charter for Public Participation Guide produced by NSW Information and Privacy Commission that provides a practical and principle-based approach for embedding public participation in agency decision-making frameworks and policy development. Public Participation in Government Decision-making: Better practice guide Guide produced by the Victorian Auditor-General's Office to support government agencies to meaningfully include the public in decision-making.
Lived Experience Inclusion & ExpertiseAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Lived Experience Centre Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Lived Experience Centre - Black Dog Institute | Better Mental Health Disability Advocacy Network Australia The national voice of independent advocacy for people living with disabilities. Embrace Multicultural Mental Health Insight Exchange Initiative designed to inform and strengthen social, service and systemic responses to domestic, family and sexualised violence by centring on lived experience insights and expertise. LELAN Independent peak body in SA representing people with lived experience of mental distress. LELAN is considered a key source of knowledge and resources relating to the role of mental health consumer leadership in systems change. Lived Experience Leadership Lived Experience led research consultancy focused on Lived Experience workforce development. Mary O'Hagan Merinda Epstein National Mental Health Consumer Alliance Alliance of State and Territory peak consumer mental health organisations. Switchboard Victoria Community based organisation that provides a peer driven, support service for the LGBTIQA+ communities and their allies, friends, support workers and families. Vict Govt's Mental Health Lived Experience Engagement Framework The framework guides Victorian policy makers to engage more meaningfully with people who have experienced mental illness and/or emotional issues, and those who care for them.
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